Tools for Job Search and Placement

Tools for Job Search

Who is it for?

Are you looking for work ? Do you want to change your job or company? Have you been sending out hundreds of c.v’s but haven’t received any replies? Have you been sitting at home for some months now and can’t see any jobs on the horizon? 
Or perhaps you are getting responses to your cv, you are invited to interviews but you aren’t passing them successfully, you aren’t called back for second or third interviews?
Maybe you are thinking about changing jobs but aren’t sure how to start the process, something is holding you back!!

Job search. Text with loupe on white background. 3d

Why do you need HR Guidance in order to find work?

Despite what many people many believe, getting a job is a not a matter of luck. It is a result of strategy and methodology. Seeking a job is a job in itself and the job search requires managing. In order to prepare correctly, you need to plan your search and  define a clear objective of the positions you are looking for. You need to create a demand for YOU, with a clear professional profile which makes you attractive to recruiters, leading to interviews and job offers.
Through careful understanding of the right position for you, I will prepare you to target the relevant jobs and stand out amongst the other candidates to achieve the position which allows you a feeling of fulfillment and meaning.

People connecting jigsaw pieces of a head together

How does the process work? During our meetings we will

  • Investigate and clarify career direction and identify the jobs appropriate for you  
  • Create an occupational profile which reflect skills, interests and career goals
  • Write a relevant and professional cv  
  • Open and promote a profile on LinkedIn and expand Network Connections 
  • Learn the up-to-date places to search for jobs
  • Prepare for an interview using simulations and practicing hard questions 
  • Strengthen salary negotiations
Job - Text on Red Puzzles with White Background. 3D Render.


This is your business card  “and acts as the initial filter for HR to asses your suitability to the requirements of the advertised position.  It is extremely important that your C.V is written in a way that stands out, grabs the attention of the recruiter and succinctly portrays the relevant information. 

Want to learn more how to do this >>>



In order to successfully pass an interview and move on to the next stage, you need to prepare how you would like to present yourself in a relevant way which matches the job and the company being interviewed for. Through coaching and storytelling, we can practice and simulate the interview, prepare answers to hard questions, and  improve your presentation. This process will allow you to feel empowered and confident, focused and relevant and lead you to acing the interview.

Learn how to ace an interview >>>



Employers and recruiters are sourcing potential employees through the digital network- ” LinkedIn “. This is  both your digital CV and your professional social network. Through Linkedin  you can promote yourself professionally in variety ways . Through focused writing and marketing on LinkedIn, you will be able to attract the relevant positions to come to you.

 Learn how create a professional LinkedIn Profile >>>


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The way to achieve a career Karen Frohlich


Clients reflect on their successful process

The Way To Career Fulfillment
