Collaborations with Organizations


Lectures and workshops in Career Advancement  

In Israel there are many programs and frameworks which help disadvantaged populations to advance occupationally.

Having gained a lot of experience in career guidance for these sectors such as welfare populations, young people at risk, youth centers, placing new immigrants in the labor market, I offer my services as an expert in the field.

Over the years I have developed excellent methods designed especially for them, through sensitivity, determination, and understanding the challenges and barriers  that face them, I help them improve their professional future.

I conduct workshops and courses using these methods for the participants themselves and conduct further training for the staff of employment workers/coordinators who help those populations occupationally and professionally.


Collaborations with Organizations

Topics of workshops and lectures of your choice:

Vocational counseling and guidance – 8 sessions

A series of meetings that help clarify the clients’ occupational tendencies, skills, strengths, interests, passions, values and business needs in order to make a change and advance in their jobs and build a career plan.


Many clients come with barriers of insecurity. Through the workshop we will be able to identify the source of the problem and learn to change their approach so that they can experience success and strengthen their self-confidence.


Negative thinking can be identified as a common trait amongst many of the participants. Through use of  NLP tools and positive and narrative psychology, we can begin to bring about a change in consciousness that will lead to success and proactivity.

Building a vision

In order to be successful, we need to visualize where we want to get to in the next five or ten years. How to do we look, what are we doing and how does it feel when we will get there. Through this method we  affectively create  a career compass which allows us to plan the route to get there. This experiential and creative workshop will enable participants to visualize their career goals and pave the way towards it.

Writing a resume

The CV is the “calling card” to the world of employment and is the initial filter for checking the suitability of the candidate for the desired job. The information in the resume should be refined and accurate and concisely present the candidate’s advantages in order to make him stand out from the competition.

LinkedIn support

  Many employers and recruiters are on the digital network – “LinkedIn”. The platform serves as a kind of digital “business card” and allows you to be professionally promoted. In the workshop, the participants will learn what to write in their personal profile, how to make connections and how to stand out online in comparison to others.

Preparation for a job interview

To succeed in a job interview, the jobseeker needs prepare to present himself in a relevant and correct way, be ready to answer difficult and unpleasant questions and exude confidence. In this workshop, the participants will practice self-presentation and prepare themselves for a successful interview through simulations and feedback from the group.

Procrastination and time management  

A well-known phenomenon that prevails among the participants is the trait of procrastination. We will analyze it, understand what causes it and develop strategies to deal with it. In addition, we will learn methods for efficiency and self-management.

Training for employees

I offer training for employment counselors in various organizations to enrich them with knowledge and skills in the consulting process

Identifying needs and writing a work plan

An effective method to write an annual work plan focuses on planning a vision and identifying the needs of the participants. Through this perspective, strategy can be planned  and  goals and objectives defined for the coming year.

Methods for understanding the participants’ compass

Career counselors sometimes understand the client’s occupational tendencies and needs, but are still unsure on which is the right career for them.  In this  workshop I will train the counselor how to identify the “career compass” of their client, discover what truly motivates them,   and be able to advise them to make career decisions based on this.

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The way to achieve a career Karen Frohlich

The Way To Career Fulfillment
