How to write your CV effectively for the job market?


Keren Frohlich

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The CV is your “business card” for the job market and serves as the initial filter for checking your suitability to the position you are targeting. Recruiters spend about 6 seconds sifting through the stacks of resumes they receive for applying for a job, so if your resume doesn’t stand out enough or isn’t relevant enough, the chances of it catching the recruiter’s attention will be low and you’ll likely be passed over.

The average statistic for a response to a cv sent cold in response to an ad is about 5%. A well written cv, targeted and focused should be able to improve the response rate to 20-30%

The information in the resume should be defined and accurate and present the job seeker’s work experience and education in the most concise and effective way. Under each position you should include the main points of your role, your achievements which are relevant to the job at hand.

Although many job seekers think that they are unable to influence an invitation to a job interview, you will be surprised to find out that this is not true and precisely the writing of a targeted and accurate resume can be completely guided by us.

Here are some tips to upgrade your resume:

Highlighting work experience and relevant skills according to the job requirements, careful selecting search words and implementing them in the summary and job descriptions.

Perspective: Put yourself in the shoes of the recruiter, externalize yourself from your experience and imagine what the recruiter is looking for and are you telling them the story they want to hear. If you have held different positions and there seems to be no clear occupational identity or career plan, this could harm you from being selected for interview: Imagine what are they looking for in a candidate’s resume? What would make them invite you for a job interview? What is fundamental and relevant to this specific company

Positioning  Assume that a recruiter may not even get to the end of your resume if the earlier part was not relevant and clearly presented. So make sure in the upper part of the document you have written the experience and skills, language that will give you an advantage. Put work experience before education unless the you have recently completed a relevant degree or course and have no actual relevant experience in the field.

Last four jobs: You do not have to include the entire employment history in a resume, this can be seen in Linkedin, allows you more space on your one page cv and makes you younger if age is a factor

Remember although of course we need to be honest and show integrity, we can omit some information that may be prejudiced against us and have the opportunity to explain more in the interview.

The goal of the cv is to get the interview.

If this isn’t enough to help you, you are welcome to come to a CV consultation, where we will go over the existing version, upgrade and highlight the relevant skills and work experience for the desired positions.

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