

Keren Frohlich

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Many people go to job interviews and hope that they will do well. But to succeed in a job interview, to stand out amongst the competition, it is necessary for you to take as much control as you can in to your own hands. For this you need to prepare and understand how to present yourself in a relevant and correct way.

Preparing for an interview implies learning about the company and the position, It involves you improving your skills to pass the job interview by being ready to answer difficult and unpleasant questions and not show awkwardness.

You need to learn how to promote yourself, be convincing and have ready several examples that will prove your suitability for the job. Your task in the interview is to reassure the recruiter and manager that you are the right candidate for the job.

In many cases, the pressure of the situation can cause you to forget your answers or not answer properly and after the interview feel frustrated about how you could have answered it better.

This can be avoided by simulating the interview, practicing the presentation and hard questions. During the meeting I offer professional guidance, allowing you to present yourself, deploy the skills, abilities and tools you have in the best possible way and improve your chances of success to advance to the next interviews.

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