Many of us are held back by barriers, insecurities, emotional blocks which cause us to be stuck in our job, company or career that we are in and make us afraid of making a change.
Some of the barriers are caused by a lack of clarity and information, for example lack of knowledge of jobs in the market but many times they are based on a lack of self-confidence, a fear, a block of connecting to one’s self and our own wishes and dreams. The values and expectations we grew up with have impact on us even as adults. Sometimes a parent’s voice is so strong in our head that we fail to hear what our own heart is telling us. Some of us grew up with critical parents and so we excel in being self-critical, which causes us to doubt ourselves, our abilities and even desires. We have difficulty making decisions in general.
Therefore, during the career counseling in particular for those stuck, unsure what they want or how to get out, I use tools from narrative therapy, positive psychology and NLP to help breakdown those barriers and empower my client to identify and cope with these issues to be able to release them and move on. Narrative therapy assists you in creating a new narrative for you, not the one you were “labeled” or the role you have played in your youth, which may not fit the person you want to be now. Positive psychology changes your perspective and focuses on your strengths, your values, your successes and NLP tools can be used to reprogram some of the fears and habits that are automatic and are hindering us from moving ahead.
So if you are stuck in your career and aren’t sure how to get you out the “rut”, we can work together to remove the” mud’ that is holding you down so that you will be able to create your own path and surge forward unhindered.